April 2015
Jayson Ibanez from the Philippine Eagle Foundation visited the Talon Trust and Scottish Eagle Centre to 'talk eagles'. Hopefully a joint collaboration can be worked out between
us so help can be given to help protect this iconic species of forest eagle.
July 2015
The Talon Trust is launched. After nearly 2 years of planning, form filling and computer tapping, this baby charity is born.
I only hope that what was once just a passing thought, which has developed into reality, continues to grow to help raptors around the world.
My thanks go out to those of you who have encouraged me to push on to this landmark in the Talon Trust's development.
I also look forward to meeting those of you I have yet to meet to discuss raising funds for the projects, some of which I have no knowledge of yet.
-- Andrew Knowles-Brown.

News History

February - March 2015
Joe, Cordi and Chrissy Atkinson were invited out by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology to train two Philippine Eagles to be used in the filming of a documentary which was being made to bring awareness to the plight of the very endangered, exotic Philippine monkey eagle.
They also spent time seeing first hand the plight of the local population and were impressed by the education program being run by the Philippine Eagle Foundation.
As such the Atkinson family have accepted the offer of being the USA Management Board of the Talon Trust, so they can help raise funds for this rare endangered eagle.